1. Introduction
This manual will help you how to install GOOSE VPN with OpenVPN on your Linux via Linux GUI step by step.
2. Download the files
Run the following command:
apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome
After the packages are installed, a .ovpn file must be downloaded.
Open the following page in your browser: https://my.goosevpn.com/downloads
Go to the "Manual settings" tab and scroll down on mobile devices or look on the right for devices with a wider screen.
Below the documents you will see a Token. Remember this location. You will need the token later.
Click on .ovpn files and download the file of the server you want to install.
3. Add a VPN connection
Click on the network icon at the top right and then go to Settings.
Then go to Network and select the + next to VPN.
Select Import from file... and then choose the .ovpn file from the server you want to use.
After a .ovpn file has been added, the login details of your GOOSE VPN account must be entered. At Username you enter the e-mail address with which you created your GOOSE VPN account. At Password you paste the token that you can find on the download page.
4. Start the VPN connection
Click on the network icon at the top right and then click on VPN Off. Then click Connect. The VPN connection is now started.
5. Do the free online privacy check
To check whether your VPN connection is set up correctly, you can use our free online privacy check. The website will immediately indicate whether your connection is secure or not.
Does the website indicate that you are safe online?
Congratulations! You are now safely online with GOOSE VPN via OpenVPN Connect on your Linux device.
Need help?
Please contact our support team via our chat or send an email to support@goosevpn.com.
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