1. Introduction
This manual will help you to install GOOSE VPN on your D-Link series router.
2. Log in to your router
Go to http://dlinkrouter.local or with a device that is connected with the network of the router and login. Then, go to "Manual Internet Connection Setup".
3. Change the Internet connection type
Change the internet connection type at "My Internet Connection is:" to PPtP or L2TP.
4. Get your token
Open the following webpage in your browser: https://my.goosevpn.com/downloads
Click on 'Manual settings'
At the right side you will find your token. We advice you to copy this. You will need it later.
5. Choose your server
Search for the name of the VPN server you want to use. Go to https://my.goosevpn.com/downloads for a complete list of the available servers. Due to the fact we just migrated to a different system, the complete serverlist needs to be uploaded, but you can lookup a server under the .ovpn files list and type the address as following landcode of server-server number.goosevpn.com
(for example: nl-27.goosevpn.com).
6. Configure the connection
Depending on your connection type, choose DHCP or Static IP.
Then enter the name of the server you just picked in step 5, the email address you used to log in to GOOSE VPN and the token you copied in step 4 (2 times).
Then save the settings.
6. Do the free online privacy check
To see if the VPN connection is set up correctly, you can use our free online privacy check. The website will immediately let you know if your connection is secured or not.
Does the website indicate that you are safe online?
Congratulations! You are now secure only with GOOSE VPN on your D-Link series router
Need help?
Please contact our support team via our chat or send an email to support@goosevpn.com.
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