1. Introduction
This guide will help you with configuring a connection via IKEv2 on Linux devices via the console.
2. Copy the token
Login to our portal, browse to the following web page: https://my.goosevpn.com/downloads and copy the token.
3. Select a server to configure
On the same download page, select the 'Manual settings' tab and choose one of the servers that you wish to configure.3. Retrieve the autosetup script
Use SSH connect or a terminal on your Linux device to 'get' the autosetup script. Make sure that you run the terminal as root and then enter the command:
sudo bash
(it is also possible to use midnight commander)
Use the following command to download the .zip file that is required for configuring a connection:
wget https://github.com/mvavryniuk/goosevpn-config/raw/281a7bc1315291a1c02dfb78a58ed7598572d396/goosevpn_linux.zip
If you do have access to a browser, it is also possible to simply download the file to your device.
Now that the file is downloaded, you can unzip the goosevpn_linux.zip to any folder. Unzipping the file is possible via the following command:
unzip goosevpn_linux.zip
If there is no ZIP archiver present on the device, it is possible to install it. This is possible via the following instructions:
sudo apt-get install zip unzip
4. Run the goosevpn-ipsec.sh with al required information
Just as we mentioned in the previous step, make sure that you run terminal as root. Browse to the folder with the unzipped goosevpn_linux.zip files. And then enter the following command:
chmod +x goosevpn-ipsec.sh
(entered once)
Then enter the main command (your own information needs to be inserted):
./goosevpn-ipsec.sh servername email token
Make sure that each of the mentioned fields are filled in correctly, the token that you retrieved in step 2, the server that you selected from step 3 and the e-mail that you use for GOOSE VPN.
5. Check if you are now using a different IP-address
This should be shown on the screen, another possibility is to use an IP-check command, for example:
curl ifconfig.me
6. Extra information
You can stop the VPN connection via the command:
ipsec stop
You can enable the VPN connection via the command:
ipsec start
It is also possible to add the connection to the autorun of the device via the following command:
systemctl enable ipsec
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