1. Introduction
This manual will help you to install GOOSE VPN with the OpenVPN on your Linux device via the console step by step.
2. Install the necessary packages
Connect via SSH or open the terminal and run the following command:
sudo apt-get install openvpn
3. Download the files from GOOSE VPN
When the packages are installed, you can download the OpenVPN files via our website:
https://portal.goosevpn.com/download.php. You will find these files at the right side of the page. Here you can also find you token. You will need your token later.
Click on .ovpn files
Here you can download the .ovpn files we need. These documents include the OpenVPN configurations with which you can connect with our servers. For example, the Netherlands 1.ovpn file is needed to connect with the Netherlands 1 server. Right click on the server you want to download and select "Copy link address". This link is needed in the next step.
4. Download the file to the Linux device
Run the following commands:
Go to the folder /etc/openvpn:
cd /etc/openvpn
Download the OpenVPN file. You can do this with the wget command:
wget --user (your email) --password (your password) (link to file)
wget --user test@goosevpn.com –password **** https://portal.goosevpn.com/downloadovpn.php?dns=nl-25
Check if the name of the file ends with .ovpn. If this is not the case, rename the file.
Check the name of the file:
The name of this file is wrong. We will change it to nl-25.ovpn:
mv (oudenaam) (nieuwenaam)
mv 'downloadovpn.php?dns=nl-25' nl-25.ovpn
5. Set up a connection with OpenVPN
Run the following commands:
Check the current IP-address:
curl ipinfo.io
Set up the connection:
sudo openvpn --daemon --config /etc/openvpn/nl-25.ovpn
Auth Username: je email
Auth Password: je token (Step 3)
6. Check the connection
After setting up the connection, it can be checked with the following command:
curl ipinfo.io
If the IP-address is different than before, the connection works!
Need help?
Please contact our support team via our chat or send an email to support@goosevpn.com.
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